Top Of The Week

The Proud Legacy of Filipinos in Hawaii

The legacy of Filipinos in Hawaii is proud and full of courage and fortitude. It began in 1906 when the Hawaii Sugar...

Exploring the Best Filipino Restaurants in Honolulu, Hawaii

When it comes to finding the best Filipino food in Honolulu, Hawaii, there are plenty of options to choose from....

The Filipino Community in Hawaii: Challenges and Contributions

The Filipino community in Hawaii has a long and rich history, stretching back to the labor shortage faced by sugar...

Exploring Filipino Cultural Activities in Hawaii: A Look at the Impact of Filipino Culture on Hawaii

Filipinos are the fastest-growing ethnic minority in Hawaii, due to continued immigration from the Philippines and high...

The Impact of Economic Policies on Filipino Americans in Hawaii: A Comprehensive Overview

Filipino Americans are more likely than other immigrants to have a good command of English and to naturalize in the...

Exploring the Most Popular Filipino Organizations in Hawaii

The Filipino Law Students Association is a student organization of the University of Hawaii at Manoa (Richardson) located ...

Recent Post

The Impact of Technology on Filipino Lives in Hawaii

Filipino outsourced workers have traditionally been limited to plantations in Hawaii due to a lack of other job...

COVID-19 and Filipino Communities in Hawaii: How Social Media is Making a Difference

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the Aloha State, with Filipino communities being particularly...

The Filipino Culture in Hawaii: A Historical and Cultural Perspective

Filipinos are the fastest-growing ethnic minority in Hawaii, due to continued immigration from the Philippines and high...

Exploring the Filipino Community in Hawaii: A Journey Through History and Culture

When I returned to Hawaii in 1974, I heard that Filipinos would be the next group to “succeed in the islands.” About...

Promoting Health and Wellness Among Hawaiians with Filipino Ancestry

Hawaii is renowned for its healthy lifestyle, yet there are still significant health disparities between Native...

The Impact of Healthcare Policies on Filipino Communities in Hawaii

The Filipino community in Hawaii is a vibrant and diverse one, with 1,453 respondents reporting some form of Filipino...

Where Do Most Filipinos Live in Hawaii? A Comprehensive Look

Today, Filipino immigrants from their 7,000 islands have been settling in communities such as Kalihi and Waipahu, where...

Empowering Filipinos in Hawaii: A Journey to Success

Twenty-five years ago, Filipinos in Hawaii made history by leading a national protest against racism. This event, which...

Editors Picks

The Best Filipino Radio Stations in Hawaii

The Best Filipino Radio Stations in Hawaii

Are you searching for the top Filipino radio stations in Hawaii? Look no further! KRM Internet Radio The Pinoy Sounds is...

The Filipino Economy in Hawaii: A Historical Overview

The Filipino Economy in Hawaii: A Historical Overview

The Filipino community in Hawaii has been profoundly impacted by the needs of the plantation-based economy since its...

The Impact of Housing Policies on Filipino Immigrant Girls in Hawaii

The Impact of Housing Policies on Filipino Immigrant Girls in Hawaii

An official website of the United States government,, is a sign that it is an official source. Before sharing...

Promoting Environmental Sustainability Among Hawaiians with Filipino Ancestry

Promoting Environmental Sustainability Among Hawaiians with Filipino Ancestry

When Adriano mentioned that the Philippine government was providing seedlings to people with the idea that they would be...

Unlocking Educational Opportunities for Hawaiians with Filipino Heritage

Unlocking Educational Opportunities for Hawaiians with Filipino Heritage

Today, one in four residents of Hawaii has Filipino ancestry. Immigrants from the 7,000 islands of the Philippines have...

The Filipino Community in Hawaii: A Look at the Most Common Jobs

The Filipino Community in Hawaii: A Look at the Most Common Jobs

The Filipino community has been a part of the history of Hawaii since the early 1900s, when an estimated 125,000...